05-08-86 - 08-18-13
My first born Son, taken away at the age of 27 years old; allegedly by his own hand. I say allegedly not because I am a grieving Mother who cannot accept the tremendous loss. Truth be told; I lived in fear most of his life that he would, in fact, fulfill my horrible gut feeling, either intentionally or through careless behavior. We live in a world where successfully tormenting or playing with human emotions is commonplace. He was a pawn in a sick game where jealousy, insecurity, and a perceived personality disorder were compounded with manipulation and deception by people closest to him. It wasn't fair that no one stood up and told these people no more, it wasn't fair that I had to bury another child; but what is fair; is fulfilling my promise to my children that the world would know what beautiful humans they were, and that they did not go down without a fight. It took me just short of a decade to bring my vision to life, an honor of this magnitude took a lot of time, courage, and self control. At times, I felt like the lone wolf; if not for the select few who believed in me as much as I believed in my Son. For those true friends and family; I am forever grateful. You saved me in ways that I could not save my child or myself for that matter. I won't let go, just like I promised; but I will fulfill his legacy, to show those who failed him that no one will ever fill his shoes, the void he left behind in the wake of sheer madness will always be an endless pit of Internal Carrion; not only for me, but for all whose lives he touched. There is disappointment in those who accepted the story that was strategically played out by multiple parties, even more so, disappointment in myself for initially not trusting my own maternal instinct; instead, listening to false truths and ever changing details. We had mended a strained relationship only for him to be ripped from me; I will never forget the sadness in his eyes, even though his heart was filled with love. He left this world the same way he was created, unplanned and loved. He made me a Mother and I am proud to call him my Son. I wish I could have taken away your tears, turmoil, and sadness and moved you away to be able to think clearly and be removed from harms way. To know that you were suffering left us both with....